Campus, Hospitality, Healthcare, Senior Assisted Living, Retail, Commercial
Logical content management
Full content creation and curation services
One platform, endless options

A channel of your own, featuring your own content, videos, data feeds, social media integrations and more. All wrapped with an easy to use and intuitive management portal. Easily deploy targeted content to 1, 10 or thousands of screens with just s few clicks.
● You bring the content and we will do the rest
● Completely unique to you
● Create your own TV Network
● Augment your Social Media Presence
● Flexible, logical content management
● Cloud Managed
● Full service content creation and management
University and Campus Housing
Senior Assisted Living
Hospitality, Hotel, Motel
Healthcare, Hospitals
Multi-tenant Housing
Condos and HOA's
DIRECTV Commercial
Dish Network Commercial
Direct Flat Screen Mount
Satellite TV headends
Virtually any cable tv system

With the ONTV guide, you get more than a channel lineup guide; you get an intuitive, on-demand system for delivering personalized design and messaging directly to viewers. Simple to customize, manage and monitor. Powered by Amazon servers with network notifications for incredible performance and reliability.
● branding
● live weather forecast
● customizable colors, fonts and graphics
● crawling ticker tape messages Media
● video advertising Media
● multiple revolving background images Media
University and Campus Housing
Senior Assisted Living
Hospitality, Hotel, Motel
Healthcare, Hospitals
Multi-tenant Housing
Condos and HOA's
DIRECTV Commercial
Dish Network Commercial
Satellite TV headends
Virtually any cable tv system
FAQ's >

Concierge gives you instant access to on-screen community messaging. Visually connect with your community or audience. Concierge comes in two flavors, the default, simple template, or click over to the advanced html editor for endless customization.
● Simple, Quick and Easy interface
● Advance Mode option
● URL Player
● Hosted Google Slides®
● Live Weather
University and Campus Housing
Senior Assisted Living
Hospitality, Hotel, Motel
Healthcare, Hospitals
Multi-tenant Housing
Condos and HOA's
DIRECTV Commercial
Dish Network Commercial
Satellite TV headends
Virtually any cable tv system
Cloud Management
24/7 control
multi-level users
event notifications
robust customizations
and cloud management

UHD-4K 16:9
Native support for up to Ultra HD. 4K UHD (2160p), a resolution of 3840 pixels × 2160 lines (8.3 megapixels, aspect ratio 16:9)
SD 4:3
If you’re still supporting headends with legacy, analog modulators, let us know and we’ll configure an SD version for you.

Video Output

ONTV’s latest platform runs on an Intel quad-core processor and includes 32GB of eMMC (5.0) built-in storage, 4GB of DDR3L memory, dual video output and pre-installed with Windows 10 (64-bit). It is unbelievably energy-efficient requiring 80% less energy than traditional PCs and ensures the ONTV software and service operate at the highest standards required by demanding headend environments.
I'm a resident and want ONTV service in my home. How can I get it?Unfortunately, ONTV's channel guide service is distributed through special providers, such as Private Cable Operators, hotel and apartment management companies, and owners. If your cable TV service does not offer a guide or community channel, ask your provider to call us at 877-ITS-ONTV. We'll be happy to provide service.
I have a headend that uses Dish Network, Cband and DIRECTV. Can I use ONTV service?"Absolutely. ONTV doesn't care how you receive your programming because all the data comes from our servers to your unit through a phone or Internet connection.
Do I need a dedicated phone line or Internet connection?Yes, this is the way that your ONTV unit will receive program and service data. Note, we are no longer adding new dial-up clients.
How do I change my channel lineup or edit my community channel?How do I change my channel lineup or edit my community channel?
Do I need special software to access and manage my system(s)?No. You may access and manage your system(s) from any Internet connected pc through a web browser by logging in to myontv.com.
I have had the ONTV service for some time. Do I still need to have the DIRECTV receiver connected to my unit for it to work?t's not necessary to be connected to the DIRECTV receiver. Contact customer service at 877-ITS-ONTV to have your system automatically upgraded at no extra charge.
My guide is displaying "Expired Guide", what happened?"Your software has expired. This happened because our servers have not been able to automatically connect to your unit for updates. If you were not notified automatically prior to this happening, contact customer service to have your email address added to our system notification list. To resolve your connectivity problem, log into myontv.com and force an update by clicking Update Machine. You will be notified if your update was successful or unsuccessful. Contact customer service at any time for assistance: 877-ITS-ONTV.
Do I need to be a web developer to host a bunch of web pages to make my community channel work?No. Our community channel is so intuitive, you can be up and running in two minutes or less. If you want unrestricted and unlimited design capability, then click Advanced Users under Community Channel. Here you can create and host your own web pages, which will play as your community channel pages.
What happens if something goes wrong with my unit?Give us a call at 877-ITS-ONTV; we'll be happy to help you.
How long is the warranty on my unit?As long as you are a subscriber to our service, our warranty covers you. Please visit our warranty info for more information.
What other hardware do I need to make the guide work at my property?You will need one audio-video modulator for each service you are using-channel guide or community channel. Everything else is provided with your system.
Can I add the community channel service?If you subscribe to our channel guide service, adding the community channel service is free and easy. Order the Concierge community channel upgrade, and you will receive the community channel adapter. Connect this adapter to your unit and the output cable to your new modulator for this channel. When you are connected, contact customer service and we'll activate your new community channel.
Can I advertise on my guide or community channel?Yes. We encourage our clients to use our advanced Media Pro service for advertising purposes and generate additional revenue. Start by choosing the appropriate guide service. Then design and post your own background guide images and banners. To use the community channel for advertising, click Advanced User.
If I upload my own content, does it need to be in a video format?"Yes, here's why, your content is all unique, some pieces you may want displaying for 3 seconds, some for 30 seconds. It all depends upon how long you want that image to be shown. When creating a video from a static image, you set the play time of the video. It's really easy to do with tools like spark.adobe.com. A free video creation tool!
How do I create a video to upload to my screen?Easy, we recommend using Adobe Spark, it's a great, free, cloud based tool which allows you to upload images, add text and has many easy templates. It also provides tools for creating unified content for social media and marketing. https://spark.adobe.com
Can I change the layout and background of my Milner Media screens?Yes. Milner Media provides your default template. If you have already have a design, send it to us at support@myontv.com and we will get it set up for you. If you do not, contact us and we can help you design your new template.
How can I integrate our social media feeds into my screen?Yes. You can link your social media account(s) to the RSS feed. We will customize and automate that for you. You may link as many accounts as you wish. We support 100's of applications, such as Slack, Twitter, Google Calendar and others,
How long does it take for a message to appear?You may push your message by clicking on the Submit button and your update is on its way. If you forget to, don't worry, we will automatically check for new messages every 30 minutes.
Can I insert images or video into the messages?Yes, but only on the Advanced option. If you're willing, the simple tool does accept image links and html code, but we dont recommend you trying this unless you are comfortable.
My weather isnt accurate, what do I do?"Contact us, likely the wrong zip code was set up on your sign up.
I have a blank screen on my TV, saying No Connection."The Concierge channel is a web page, if your unit is not connected to the Internet, check this first. Once you have confirmed that the internet connection is working once again, log in and click on Submit and a refresh will occur. Power cycling the unit will also force a refresh.
Managing Concierge is extremely simple! Here's how.First, you need to log in to your account. Then, you have a choice, use our simple default tool, or, if you're adventurous, you may select our advanced option. Navigate to the Community Channel section of the option menu. To use the simple tool, simply go to the message field, enter your message, start date and end date and submit. You're all done. Adventurous people, select "Advanced..." from the top of the page. Here you may add any url which you would like to display, ie a hosted Google Slides, a web site or similar. Add many more and we will play a show automatically.
I have an older system with SD modulatorsNo problem, our hardware comes with HDMI connections. If your cable/satellite system uses SD modulators, let us know and we will send along SD converters
Does your system require an internet connection?Yes we do. We update your system nightly with fresh content. We also monitor your system and provide updates and alerts. Sometimes this alerts you to power outages before you hear about it. We do also include live weather and other data which require an internet connection to keep current stats.
Will I be able to set a start and end period for my video to play?Yes, adding content is simple. Upload the file, select the play date range, any other instructions and submit.
What happens if my internet connection goes down?No worries, our system will continue running for up to 8 days without updates. Obviously, items like weather will no longer update or be current. Or any content which you wish to send, like advertisements or messages, will also not be retrieved until the connection is restored.